We sat out yesterday in the wind and the rain, our little weather station was registering gusts over 20mph, but because the sensor is fairly low down it tends to be a bit sheltered. It was still very breezy when we pulled pins this morning but the sun was shining. I've found a possible candidate for the location for the next annual family picnic. Opposite the entrance to the Cannock Extension Canal is a large park, loads of space,comes right down to the canal and has a pub.
We made our way to the services at Brownhills and took advantage of the shower there, topped up our water tank,dumped the rubbish and emptied the loo. I made a quick dash across the road to Tesco for some bread and milk and then we were on our way. We were soon on the Daw End Branch aka the Amazon, the reeds grow so far across the canal that they were brushing both sides of the boat. It was like being in a film, I half expected scantily clad natives to emerge with blow pipes and poison tipped darts! We were soon among the industrial sprawl of Aldridge before heading back out into countryside past Park Lime Pits Country Park.
We reached Longwood Junction where the Daw End Branch joins the Rushall Canal and the arm which used to serve the Hayhead Lime workings and is now moorings for a boat club in mid afternoon. We had hoped to moor below the first two locks of the Rushall locks but on investigation that proved to be impractical so we are moored on the 48hr mooring above the top lock.
We should have been continuing our journey down the Rushall Canal and along the Tame Valley Canal tomorrow but the work that was being done on the Perry Barr Locks has been extended by a day so we will be having another day off tomorrow as there is a distinct lack of moorings after this point.
Today's journey 8.6 miles
So far this year we have travelled 676.9 miles, 534 locks, 49 swing bridges, 23 lift bridges and 26 tunnels
In 2011 we travelled 461.4 miles, 444 locks, 3 swing bridges, 34 lift bridges and 15 tunnels
During 2010 we travelled 740.3 miles, 642 locks, 53 swing bridges, 4 lift bridges and 25 tunnels
Since Ray retired we have travelled 1878.6 miles 1620 locks, 105 swing bridges, 61 lift bridges and 66 tunnels
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
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