Thursday, 16 June 2011

Lots of voles and a pheasant!

Yesterday we had a day enjoying the novelty of sunshine. The cats enjoyed themselves catching lots of voles and occasionally bringing live ones home for Ray and I to play with. I was not impressed when they managed to loose a live one on the boat, luckily they managed to recapture it later.

In the middle of the afternoon I heard a slight commotion on the bank and I looked out along the towpath to see a hen pheasant lying in the middle of it. She was still just about alive but beyond rescuing as her throat had been effectively cut. I did the kindest thing and broke her neck. I am a little confused as to the legalities. I know it is the closed season for hunting pheasants, does a pheasant killed by a cat count as roadkill, as it was my cat that killed her does that make me a poacher? I'm not saying that I did, but if I butchered and cooked it would I be breaking the law. Does pheasant casserole with leeks, mushrooms and bacon sound good?

Today we delayed setting off until the rain had stopped but I still got soaked at the top of the three Baddiley locks when another downpour caught us. There were lots of boats on the move, with queues at every lock but only one or two boats ahead of us each time. When we got to Wrenbury I took a stroll into the village to buy milk, leeks and mushrooms. Then it was time to stop the traffic at the lift bridge and carry on up through Marbury lock after which we decided to call it a day and moor before we reached Quoisley lock.

If the weather isn't too unkind we should get up through Grindley Brook tomorrow and hopefully reach Whitchurch.

Today's journey 5.6 miles, 4 locks and 2 lift bridges

So far this year we have travelled 136.8 miles, 104 locks and 15 lift bridges

Since Ray retired we have travelled 875.2 miles, 749 locks, 55 swing bridges, 19 lift bridges and 25 tunnels.

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